Welcome TO AKH AL Sinan & PartnerFor Trading Co. (KYTOS ARABIA)
Products We Deal

Product Description
The SERVOTOUGH MiniLaser Oxy is a revolution in TDL Absorption Spectroscopy analysis: a highly compact gas monitor for in-situ cross stack applications, which delivers exceptional performance benefits in a revolutionary compact design. O2 Detection Limit: 0.01% Technology: Single Line Tunable Diode Laser Spectroscopy Optical Path: 0.1 - 40 meters In - Situ Response Time: 1 second Repeatability: +/- Detection Limit or +/- 1% of Reading, whichever is greater

Product Description
Servotough Fluegas Series 2700 Combustion Gas Analyzer measures oxygen and/or combustibles in flue gases to allow improved combustion efficiency and reduced emissions. It is designed to suit the most demanding needs of combustion efficiency applications in the Power Generation and Process Industries.

Product Description
Servotough Spectraexact Series 2500 Process Gas Analyzer is designed for single and multiple gas measurements in a gas or liquid sample stream in general or hazardous areas using IR single beam dual wavelength, GFC or Soft UV technology.

Product Description
Servoflex MiniHD Series 5200hd Heavy Duty portable gas analyzer single measurement. Suitable for measuring oxygen or percent levels of carbon dioxide in non-flammable samples. Not suitable for use in areas where an explosive atmosphere may exist.

Product Description
Continuous in-situ or extractive monitoring Low detection limits Response time typically 2 seconds No direct cross interference with other gases Utilising the proven tuneable diode laser (TDL) measurement technique Suitable for high dust applications Low cost of ownership The high performance SERVOTOUGH Laser is a range of high performance in-situ cross stack and extractive monitors designed for a variety of process control, combustion control and emissions monitoring applications in a diverse range of industries.

Product Description
The SERVOTOUGH SpectraScan is a real-time Tunable Filter Infrared (IR) analyzer capable of accurately separating light hydrocarbon components. Using a unique wavelength scanning tunable filter spectrometer, fast update rates are performed for C1 through C5 analysis. Sampling is a continuous flow-through type, suitable for on-line, unattended operation, while the analyzer does not require carrier gas or high maintenance. C1 to C5 analysis Continuous, real time analysis Permanent span calibration Configurable to specific application needs.

Product Description
Servotough Oxyexact Series 2200 Oxygen Analyzer is a high specification paramagnetic oxygen analyzer for general and high temperature applications, with digital communications and certified for hazardous area use. Comprising of a safe or hazardous area control unit with up to six transmitters.

Product Description
Servoflex MiniMP Series 5200 Series Multi Purpose portable benchtop analyzer with single or dual measurement. Suitable for measuring oxygen and percent levels of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide in non-flammable samples. Not suitable for use in areas where an explosive atmosphere may exist.

Product Description
Maximize product yield and increase profits with the Thermo Scientific™ Prima PRO Process Mass Spectrometer. This process gas analyzer is engineered to meet a number of challenging process applications in the petrochemical, iron and steel, and biotechnology industries. Highly reliable and easy-to-own, the Prima PRO delivers faster, more complete, lab quality online gas composition analysis. It features a rugged, fault-tolerant design that ensures availability that exceeds 99.7% and a simplified maintenance procedure and auto-tune capability to facilitate ongoing operation and enhance productivity.

Product Description
Measure total sulfur in liquid hydrocarbon fuel process streams with the Thermo Scientific™ SOLA II Sulfur Online Analyzer. This field-proven instrument addresses the need for a low-maintenance sulfur analyzer that can reliably measure low ppm levels to help customers meet the tightening, Tier 3, regulatory requirements that limit sulfur levels in fuels. The SOLA II uses the low-maintenance pulsed ultraviolet fluorescence (PUVF) detector with the proven Pyrolysis system for measuring total sulfur in gasoline, diesel, kerosene, and jet fuel. It also offers an online adaption of ASTM D5453.

Product Description
Maximize up-time and keep your plant in pristine operation with the versatility and performance of the Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ 2109XP Fluoride Analyzer. It offers accuracy, reliability and ease of use to best meet the demands of your fluoride analysis.
Kytos Arabia an incredible reliable professional company running business since 25 years.
Abdul Karim H. Al-Sinan & Partner for Trading Company (Kytos Arabia) is a Saudi company established in 1985 as a supplier focused on providing goods and services to the oil and petrochemical industries with the management commitment on utilizing the technology to protect and preserve the environment. Kytos Arabia is a leading supplier of Analytical Instruments for the On-Line Process Analyzers, Laboratory Equipment and general instrumentation. The applications of these instruments extend from product quality control to Environmental Monitoring and Staff Safety. Our scope includes site preparation, installation, commissioning and user training. Our organization is focused on servicing and providing the best application support to our clients. Kytos Arabia is the Exclusive Representative of Thermo-Fisher PID (Onix) for On-line Process Analyzers, Thermo Environmental Instruments for Ambient Air Monitoring, Thermo-Fisher SID (Euroglas & Houston Atlas) for Laboratory Equipment, GASTRON for Gas Detectors, Servomex for Online Process Analyzers and Continuous Emission Monitoring, Icon Scientific for physical properties Analyzers, Shaw Moisture Meters for Moisture Analyzers, Alpha Moisture Systems for Online Moisture Analyzers, Cole Parmer for complete Lab Equipment, Lab furniture's and chemical agents, Tanaka Scientific for Lab Equipment, Circor Instruments for pressure regulators, and Texas Sampling for grab sampling systems and CHROMATOTEC for BTEXAnalyzer. Kytos Arabia has been in Business for more than 25 years serving the Refineries, Petrochemical Companies, Pharmaceutical Industries, Water Desalinations Plants, Power Plants, Universities, Regulatory Agencies and has proven to be a reliable and competitive Supplier.
Our Features
Specialities ...
Process On-Line Analyzers, Physical Property Analyzers, Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS), Laboratory Analyzers & bench top Instruments, Ambient air monitoring.
Company mission
We focuses on providing applications oriented solutions for customers in the oil industry, petrochemical industries, governmental regulating agencies, universities and research institute, bringing together with its Principles technology for customers, for the specific needs, to enhance profitability and preserve the environment.
Core Competencies
We Specialize in the Distribution, Installation and Service of Analytical Instruments that are used in the Lab, Process, Ambient Air Monitoring and continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS).
Why us??
Leader in process instrumentations, Analytical equipment and Environmental monitoring since 1985. Providing a total solution for customers in Saudi Arabia and the gulf region.
Site Survey, Design and Material Supply, Installation (New Analyzer supply and analyzer Revamping Jobs), Service and Training with factory trained Service Engineers.
Our Services
Environmental Solutions
We provide end to end services and analyzer products for dealing with Environmental Issues arising out of Petro, Oil, Pharma, Power Industries residues, exhausts, effluents, etc that pose a great danger to our environment.
Site Survey
Site surveys can be executed to provide apt user specific unique solutions.
Material Supply
Process On-Line Analyzers, Physical Property Analyzers, Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS), Laboratory Analyzers & bench top Instruments, Ambient air monitoring.
Customized solutions to...
Oil & Gas Industry, Petrochemical industries, Industrial Gas Manufacturers, Universities & Research institutes.
OnSite Installation
New Analyzer supply and Analyzer Revamping Jobs.
Service and Training
We Specialize in providing onsite Service and Training with factory trained Service Engineers.
Customer Support
Excellent, Flawless, Prompt, Rapid, Seamless, Quick response, User specific.
Undertaking Projects
Onsite Industrial End-To-End Implementations.
and more...
Phone: (+966) 13-350-5200
Fax: (+966) 13-350-5201
Email: sales@sinanakh.com
Phone: (+966) 13-350-5200
Fax: (+966) 13-362-5201
Email: sales@sinanakh.com
We are global providers of Analyzers & Industrial Solutions
Our beloved customers in Gulf countries use our products & services.
Meet the Team

Get in Touch With - Kytos Arabia
Contact Us
Get in Touch
Abdul Karim H. Al-Sinan & Partner For Trading Co. (Trading & Contracting).
The Office
- Address: P O Box 374, Street 114, Third Support Industrial Area, Jubail, Saudi Arabia 35729.
- Phone: (+966) 13-350-5200
- Fax: (+966) 13-350-5201
- Email: sales@sinanakh.com
Business Hours
- Saturday - Thursday - 8am to 5pm
- Friday - Closed